Airplane Seat Probability

The probability of getting a nice seat on the airplane, based on which letter you’re assigned.

Airplane Row Layout Options:

A || BC

AB || CD


AB || CDE || FG

AB || CDEF || GH


Assuming an even distribution of plane sizes. And maybe it’s just me, but I’m way more into window seats than aisle seats. Here’s how I’m scoring it: 100 points for a window, 30 points for an aisle, and 0 for a middle.


  1. A: 100% odds of window seat, with a 17% chance of a dual window+aisle seat. Final Score: 105 / 100.
  2. J: All aisle, all the time. 100/100.
  3. H: 50% odds of window, 50% aisle. 65/100.
  4. G: Always a good seat, like H, but worse odds of a window. 53.3/100.
  5. C: Amazingly, C is guaranteed a good seat through all six major plane width configurations. Too bad they’re mostly aisle. 41.7/100.
  6. F: Feeling lucky? More likely than C to end up in a sweet window seat…but you could also get stuck in a crummy middle. 40/100.
  7. D: There’s one window seat left, but you’re probably getting stuck in a middle. 32/100.
  8. B: No hope left of a window seat. 20/100.
  9. E: Not looking good…7.5/100.
  10. I: 0/100. Fuck I.

Do note, again, I’m way more into windows. Maybe aisles are more of your thing, in which case the relative values of H, G, and C rise precipitously and D’s rank drops a bit.

This is a totally ridiculous thing to have ironed out mathematically.

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