Raisin Bran

Kind of hard to keep updates when I’m working 10am-9pm shifts.  But I’m just making excuses for myself.


I made an important purchase decision at the supermarket last week:  breakfast.  I knew that joining the workforce would mean I was no longer allowed the fluffy 1-2 hour window between waking up and leaving the house for class.  And I’d need stuff to eat.

It’s a miracle that so many Americans manage this far.  How am I supposed to pick out one food that would be my morning meal for the next 2+ weeks?  The driving force to push me groggily out of bed?  Talk about a decision!

As per the name of this post, I ultimately settled on Raisin Bran.  It was close – as some (well, maybe two) know, I’ve got a special affinity for Honey & Nut Tasteeos, the supermarket’s knockoff alternative to Honey Nut Cheerios (like you hadn’t figured that out).  It’s tasty, and I’d be able to buy it in megabulk.  But I was afraid I’d get bored.  There was nothing to mix it up.

Here’s why Raisin Bran is great: raisins. Big surprise, huh?  Raisins change everything.  Every spoonful becomes a game – you’ve got to balance the propotion of raisins to flakes.   Some bonus spoonfuls have an extra raisin.  Some bites without raisins you just have to grind through to get through the bowl.  See…variety!

…I can’t be the only one who thinks about asinine crap like this, right?

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