Winter Break

I think the most important update is quite simple and straightforward:  We went bobsledding in Jamaica.  Seriously.

Yah, mon.

Remember these guys?

This called for an immediate addition (and subsequent subtraction) from my bucket list.  Suppose I could call it here, but for kicks, let’s dabble a little more.


I realize I told a lot of people I would be going to the Bahamas this break.  Pardon my haphazard attention to detail.


Passing through security on the way out of the country, I had this thought:  Isn’t it silly how we still have to take our shoes off to be put through the x-ray machine?  Have they found one dangerous shoe yet?  Richard Reid sure managed to ruin things for everyone.  Then I thought:  Wouldn’t it be grand, in some last-ditch effort for humor while on my deathbed, to lace some explosives into my jeans and catch a flight, thereby forcing everyone to remove their pants in the same jolly arduous process?

Of course, upon my return I found out about the underpants bomber.  He’s not only beaten me to the punch, but has gone a step further into his undergarments, and has even apparently convinced the TSA to implement a whole slew of new security measures that miss the point entirely.  What a poor sport.


By the way, anyone buying the story about the bomber’s parents calling the US government prior to the attack is an imbecile.  How many phone calls could the CIA receive every day in regard to things like “my son is going to put explosives in his underpants!”?  And if the government is to take every called-in threat seriously – why even bother crafting and implementing elaborate bomb schemes?  If you’re Captain Terrorist, why not simply hire a team of enthusiastic telemarketers? (Relatedly – boy oh boy, am I going to be on some kind of government watch list once this post goes public.  Maybe you will be too for reading it.  Sorry.)


Also on the plane ride over:

Alyssa: What language do they speak in Jamaica?

Josh: Jamaican.

Alyssa:  Is that really a language?

Josh: Yah, mon.

…I kill myself sometimes.


I finished off two books over break.  Here are some thoughts –

Bill Simmons’ The Book of Basketball: A bit polarizing for me, considering my high opinion of Bill Simmons, and low opinion of the game of basketball.  (Just noticed this, by the way – my blog currently ranks 4th in Google for the search string “basketball sucks.”  That’s damn impressive.)  I always thought basketball was simply a matter of which superduperstar could dunk the ball the loudest and most frequently (among other silly rules and techniques).  Turns out, I didn’t really understand what Simmons calls “the Secret.” I won’t ruin it for you.  The revelation wasn’t earth-shattering, but I’ve got a little more respect for the game now.  A sliver.  Pending further review – it’s in your hands now, LeBron.

Tom Hodgkinson’s How to be Idle (via Kevin (thanks!!)):  A perfect book to read while on a vacation in which one’s sole purpose is to do nothing.  Simply because I got to implement in practice nearly all of Hodgkinson’s recommendations of how to enjoy doing nothing.  Sleeping late, sitting in bed, enjoying a hangover, long lunch breaks, you name it.  One quote I particularly enjoyed: “There is no fun in doing nothing, when you have nothing to do. (Jerome K. Jerome)”

…Which of course reminds me – I’ve got tons of crap to catch up on before heading back to work next week.  Happy holidays, everyone!

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