Happy Birthday Matt!

Matt turned 23 today.  And Raghu asked for an update.  So I thought I’d share.

Matt really likes to do graphic design stuff.  And he’s really good at it.  So when he found out his dad wanted to start doing photography part-time right around Christmas, Matt decided that creating a logo set for his dad would be the best possible gift.  What is a logo set exactly?  As far as I know, it is when you make a logo for someone, and then make a bazillion different iterations of it.  Like a large version, a small version, an inverted version, I don’t know.  Matt apparently got up to over 300 different logo things for his Dad.  I’m not nearly as good, though, so my birthday gift to him only made it up to about 40.

To add some context: Matt’s middle name is Hunter, and he self-admittedly almost chose to go by “Hunter Strom” when entering college.  Also, a lot of people confuse his last name, “Strom,” with the equally awesome yet far less nordic last name, “Storm.”  We felt that “Hunter Storm” would be a great name for the anchor of a weather show.  Without further adieu, here are some sample brand identities for Matt’s future spin-off business, Hunter Storm Action Weather:

"Like Fuckin' Kablow!"

Basic logo, normal size.

Everybody loves Raymond!

Inverse, Small


Bolt Image, Large


Bolt Inverse, Tiny 


Mutant Image, Full Size (There’s a MEGATRON size too, but that’d probably crash my internet)


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