I thought you guys who read me on the internet should see this. The offending email first, followed by my response. (Thanks, Manu, for the tip.)

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: store@thecoop.com <mailer@thecoop.com>
Date: Wed, Aug 21, 2013 at 3:40 PM
To: m******@gmail.com

coop email

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Josh Petersel <peterselj@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Aug 22, 2013 at 3:18 PM
To: Manu Lakkur <m******@gmail.com>

There’s a lot to love here.

  1. It’s 2013 and somehow it’s still going to take 7-10 days to deliver something
  2. I definitely wouldn’t consider late August to be “just in time” for cool autumn. Though then again, shipping is going to take 12-64 weeks so maybe this part is okay
  4. I especially like that the email header just bucks all norms and has “New!” in normal caps and the rest in ALL CAPS
  5. I’m counting 8 different caps/boldness/font size/color treatments here. (By line, 1: red caps, 2: all caps, 3: normal, 4-6: bold caps, 9: bold normal, 10 and 12: normal in smaller font, 11: Every Word Caps, 13: all-hyperlink)
  6. “Buy one get one 20% off” is pretty much the most worthless sale initiative ever
  7. They mention a 10% discount that’s not valid with other offers or discounts. Meanwhile, the whole point of the email is there’s this other new offer or discount
  8. These pictures are doing a really awesome job of letting me see how the sweaters look with a harvard logo that’s like three pixels wide. After browsing a bit, this is the biggest image I could find for the red vest. I have no idea what that logo could say
  9. It’s absolutely not clear how to order online. In fact, the only instructions they give for ordering are to call a phone number…which they say just a few lines after saying “Online purchases only”
  10. What the hell could I possibly want to inquire via fax? Who talks like this?
  11. But still, after all that. My favorite thing, without a doubt, is #HASHTAG #discountcode. (Speaking of which, I wouldn’t be surprised if the code was supposed to be #SWEAT20 instead of #SWEAT 20 and they screwed up here, too.)

Bonus points to me for coming up with a list that’s 11 items long.

Re: Netflix

Two and a half years ago, I wrote what was probably my most efficient post ever (in terms of quality-to-wordcount ratio). Netflix, I claimed in 90 words, was a really obvious destination for relatively basic social integration, with use cases for sharing that already mirror or enhance real life media-consuming behavior.

I’m amazed that “Netflix Friends,” and being able to find mutually interesting movies, haven’t come to pass yet.

Instead, the company recently unveiled Netflix Profiles. On the plus side, I guess this means the product team has a pulse. But really, if you ask me, this idea is almost entirely backwards.

Per this new feature, you can now add up to five different profiles to a single Netflix account so that the movies one “member of your household” watches don’t get conflated with the recommendations for another member. That’s fantasy. In reality: The “members” of my current “household” are me and Kevin, my former roommate who presently lives in a different timezone. I wouldn’t be surprised if our family even had a handful of other “members.” With Profiles, it’s now even less painful for me to leech off Kevin’s account. One of the very few reasons I’d ever consider starting my own account (aside from the feeble complaints aired by my moral compass) was for the benefit of having my own personal recommendations surface.

Why would Netflix create a free feature that works as a direct substitute to the company’s primary source of revenue? Isn’t that completely insane?

Furthermore: Almost all of the imagery Netflix uses looks like this:

Fetflix Namily

A family, or group, sitting around to watch something together. That seems to be the primary, ideal use case. Why would you build a feature designed to support doing the exact opposite?

If they’d had their hearts set on multiple profiles per account, then fine. What they should have done, though, is set up the mutual recommendation algorithms first. Not just because this is far more in-line with the primary depicted use case. But also because once that’s in place, there becomes much more concrete, discernible value in having five individual profiles — you’d thus be empowered to surface great, discrete movie suggestions for the entire family, or for just Mom & Dad, or for just Dad & son, and so on. That’s really powerful stuff. And instead of being a feature that’s given away for free, I’d argue that you’re now sitting on a paid premium feature which might even drive an extra $1-$10 (or, roughly, an extra 10%-120%) per month per account to your bottom line revenue.

Songza’s Next Killer App

Congza Soncierge

Songza is a music discovery app for desktop, mobile, and tablet — though I mostly use it on my phone.

Its killer app is the Concierge, pictured above. Instead of predominantly surfacing recommendations based on my past listening history, or my friends, or my blogs, or whatever, Songza lets me find music I want to listen to based on the mood and temporal setting I’m currently in. It’s a brilliant human answer to the real human question of “how do I find music I want to play next?”

I’m not the only one who thinks this is great. Lots of people are copying the idea. Like Martha Stewart, for example. (Obviously!)

There’s another real human problem which I think Songza, Rdio, Spotify, Pandora, and the rest of the gang of mobile music apps brush up against: They all generally rely on a steady internet connection to stream music. Which is fine when I’m at my home or workplace, but a nightmare when I’m mobile, and invariably I have to walk into a stairwell, elevator, tunnel, subway, tauntaun carcas…you get it.

How do you solve this?

Rdio & Spotify handle this with their unlimited and premium plans, respectively, which each cost $10/mo and let you sync or download playlists you want directly to your device so no internet connection is required.

You could also buy an album, and upload that to your device. But jeez, it’s 2013. That’d be embarrassing.

There’s little nuanced things which I don’t like about the solutions above.

  1. You’ve got to consciously decide which specific songs you want. And consciously curate a new album/playlist every time you want something new.
  2. At some point, you’ll have to delete things.

The two things above really don’t amount to much more than little chores. You wouldn’t break a sweat doing them. They’re really stupid human problems. But we might as well fix them.

Here’s what I’d build if I were Songza: the ability to proactively pre-load/buffer a playlist to my device for a while before heading off. I hit “pre-load” five minutes before setting off on my run, tie my shoes or something, and then after five minutes I’m out the door — with a five minute buffer to spare for that one annoying forest-y part of my run where I always seem to lose signal.

You’ve already employed this practice a million times before. Consider the last time you tried watching a YouTube video somewhere with a really poor internet connection. You’d hit pause, let it load a few minutes while you did something else, and came back once the grey bar progressed enough that you wouldn’t be continually interrupted by the “Buffering” spinner.

Monetization seems natural:

  • A 30 second buffer is free and makes the experience better for everyone.
  • A $5 monthly subscription allows me up to a 30-minute buffer, which I can use on my commute.
  • Maybe a $10 monthly subscription nets me something way longer (up to my device’s spare storage capacity) so I can use this on a flight.

And of course, my stream deletes itself automatically as I listen to it, or once I’ve closed the app (same way you’d need to reload your YouTube video if you close the window). No more chores on my part.

I can’t imagine legality to be a real issue here, because of the fact that you can already engage in this sort of behavior with YouTube. And because at this point, a sophisticated & motivated computer user can probably steal any music they want at any point, anyway. Maybe there’s a technical/logistical/legal issue with buffer speeds…perhaps you’re only allowed to buffer songs in real time (so, if you want a 15-minute buffer, you’d need to start the pre-load a full 15-minutes beforehand instead of just loading as fast as your internet speed allows). But I don’t see this being a real barrier to usage. I could arguably quite easily get into the habit of queuing up my Songza as I set my alarm clock the night before my run.

I wouldn’t be surprised if some small amount of buffer like this was already invisibly built in to the Songza app. I can understand why the app might not have a progress bar like YouTube does — it’s clutter, considering the mobile app has less screen real estate and considering you can’t really scroll through a radio stream the same way you’d scroll through a YouTube video.  But build this in as an explicit feature, and you’ve got a unique (patentable?) distinction from the rest of the pack. It also might be nice to veer away from advertising/no-advertising as the only track for revenue.

AA Battery Design

No buildup introduction area for this post. I just love these batteries.

They look like this:

now with more lime green!

Here is why they’re great:

1) No instructions necessary.  This is pretty much the success criteria of all great design. You want a battery that works like a battery and charges via USB. Done.

The packaging they arrive in is worth mentioning:

splinter cell package

Packaged this way, you can see everything you need to know about how these work. In the bottom configuration, they’re batteries. In the top configuration, it’s obvious that the cap easily pops off to reveal the USB prod.

Were these packaged like traditional batteries, this wouldn’t be intuitive.

2) There’s a little rubber band that keeps the cap attached to the body. Because otherwise, obviously, you’re destined to lose the caps within 30 seconds of opening the package.

3) Because they charge by USB, you don’t need to lug around an enormous wall outlet charging station as you would with traditional rechargables.

4) If you look closely, the “BCELL” part of the USBCELL logo looks like the product. If these guys were feeling especially clever, they might color the “US” portion green to fit the whole product into the logo…but that might be pushing it. (It looks like they recolored the U, S, and B in “re-usable,” which I think looks dopey, but it at least establishes some design parameters.)

There is one thing I don’t care for: It’s kind of tricky to tell when they’re done charging. The instructions (which did exist, though I threw them out immediately) described some kind of system where green lights around a ring where the body meets the cap will start flashing, or hold steady green, or blink once for yes and two for no, or something. My solution is simple: I just leave them to charge for a while. Or overnight. My laptop mouse still gets weeks and weeks of power either way, so I’m sort of indifferent.

Flosser Design

If they rated things in dentistry the same way they rated things in sports, entertainment, and the like, I’d say that flossing is highly underrated.

Here’s an article from WebMD. Two things stand out: 1) under 50% of people floss regularly, and 2) dentists say flossing is even more important than brushing when it comes to preventing gum disease and tooth loss.

Why don’t people floss?


That’s what flossing looks like. The girl in the image above seems like she’s having a fun time, but I’d wager otherwise.

Classically, you might say the steps of flossing look like:

Step One: Floss.

But thinking holistically, I’d reframe the process to look like:

Step One: Decide to floss.

Step Two: Unravel and cut a length of floss.

Step Three: Floss.

Here are the pain points behind the scenes:

  1. You’re going to have to stick your hands way back into your mouth and they’re going to get icky.
  2. Using this technique, it’s actually relatively difficult to be highly accurate. When you’re plucking your hands in and out of your mouth, and between gaps in your teeth, it’s easy to accidentally skip a gap or two — at least compared to the feeling of accuracy afforded by using a toothbrush to brush teeth.
  3. In the same vein, flossing is relatively mentally and physically taxing. It requires both hands! In fact, you need to devote your express attention in order to orchestrate their movement in harmony. Brushing your teeth easily affords lazy opportunity to daydream.
  4. Less intuitively, but still painful: cutting an appropriate length of floss from the packet prior to flossing can be incredibly difficult.It’s not easy to tell precisely how much floss you’ve drawn and whether that’s a sufficient amount. (Toilet paper, on the other hand, has very convenient perforations.) And the way most floss boxes are designed, you’ve got to also calculate for that little bit of floss that doesn’t end up getting cut after you’ve measured it.

    Cut too small a thread and you’re prone to losing your grip mid-stroke. (Stroke? Swoop? I don’t know.) Cut too long a thread and it feels like you’re being wasteful — one of those human phenomena that’s truly ridiculous but totally exists. A thing of floss costs about $3; an excessively long thread might cost you a fraction of a penny, not to mention the long-run savings in dental work.

    Adhering to our brushing metaphor: It’s mindlessly easy to judge how much toothpaste to apply — the head of the toothbrush is really only so big.

  5. At least, until you’re doing it regularly, flossing can be painful and bloody.

Here’s what I use:flosserI don’t think these things even have a name, though “flosser” seems to be what brings them up in an Amazon search.

Here’s why they’re brilliant:

  1. Two hands –> One hand.
  2. No fretting about cutting the right length of thread. Just grab and go.
  3. Much easier, in my experience, to run the flosser along your teeth and gauge whether you’ve missed one. Also much easier to reach back teeth.
  4. My hand does still get a little wet. But it’s far more manageable. I stay dry enough that I can easily floss while away from a sink. To boot, I’ve got a hand free which I can use for typing, texting, and the like. In fact, I’m flossing right now.

Ultimately, I save a small amount of time and a large amount of mental tax. But I got lucky that I thought to give these things a try. Biggest next step from here is to understand what’s going on with the influencers — Crest, and more importantly, your dentist — and see if we can’t figure out why these aren’t a bigger deal.

The First Great SnapChat Marketing Campaign

Let it be no secret: I’m totally into SnapChat. In fact, my lofty goal for the summer is to eviscerate all other communication mediums on my cellphone — text, calling, facebook, twitter, etc. — and go SnapChat exclusive. I think it’d be funny.

That’s not the point today.

Towards the end of June, SnapChat raised $60 million in funding. So I’m not the only one who thinks this app is huge…but the difference is, those other guys are also of the impression that this app can make lots and lots of money. Right now, I can send pictures with doodles and notes on them.

So here’s a first stab at SnapChat for business: Groupon on steroids.

I don’t mean the minimum-threshold-coupon part, but rather, the instantaneous, exciting coupon part. “On steroids,” because it’s not a daily deal or even an hourly deal. You’ve literally got ten seconds between opening the coupon and completing the transaction.

If Dunkin’ Donuts, or some other brick and mortar giant, wanted to make a big, awesome PR splash, I think they could pull this off without even setting up a formal campaign with SnapChat brass — it’d be a free marketing platform, minus the cost of the coupon. Steps as follows:

  1. DD tells everyone, “Follow ‘DunkinDonuts’ on SnapChat. We’re giving away a ridiculous deal on Monday next week.”
  2. It’s fairly easy to send mass Snaps — but DD shouldn’t send the exact same thing to everyone. Otherwise, people might just wait for one person on the internet to spoil the surprise. Maybe send 40% a free doughnut, 45% a coffee, 4.8% a box of doughnuts/munchkins, 0.1% doughnuts for a year, and 0.1% a stupid doodle worth nothing. (In case you needed reminding, SnapChat is supposed to be silly, risky, and funny.) Ideally, you’ll diversify even further.
  3. You receive the Snap. You can’t open it yet — you physically have to be in the store, in front of the cashier where she can see it. Otherwise it’ll expire.
  4. Regular coupon rules apply…although opened coupons expire in 10 seconds, and unopened SnapChats are already automatically deleted in something like 60 days, anyway, so you’re pretty covered there.
  5. Repeat, bearing in mind that DD can probably lower the odds of success a fair bit once it gets going.

Of course, now that you’ve got everyone’s attention, you can start sending SnapChats regularly. And have fun! Doughnuts with strange doodles on them. Puppies with doughnuts on their heads. A four second photo SnapChat is in my mind without question the absolute lowest threshold for entertainment the world has ever seen — and here’s a world that’s had Twitter for the last half decade.

Just this week we’ve seen that even the most inept, curmudgeonly organization in the country, the TSA, can pull off a successful and humorous social media campaign. So cheers to you, SnapChat and brick & mortar company. Good luck. I have high hopes.

Peter Thiel’s CS183: Startup

Peter Thiel (co-founder of PayPal, head honcho of Founder’s Fund) recently taught a class at Stanford simply called “Startup.”

One of his class’ students, Blake Masters, typed up all of his notes in essay format, and it’s absolutely phenomenal — both easy to consume and riddled with insightful, practical knowledge. Recommended reading for anyone even remotely interested in tech or startups, or interested in the things I’m interested in.

I’m a Kindle kind of guy, so I scraped everything into a into a .pdf which I figured I’d share. Similar to what Blake disclaims, all credit for good stuff goes to Peter, all credit for the labor and love goes to Blake, and all errors and omissions (the links and attachments and stuff won’t work in the .pdf) are mine.

How I’d Fix the Harbus

The Harbus is Harvard Business School’s student newspaper. The weekly publication theoretically covers a broad range of issues of high topical relevance to the students at the school.

…But you wouldn’t know that. Because nobody reads The Harbus.

I think I can fix that.

The overarching problem here is a little weird to explain. I’ll try: Nobody reads The Harbus because nobody reads The Harbus. Make sense?

Framed a little differently, I might call the problem something like “The Watercooler Effect.” The value of the paper is largely only as good as the number of people you can discuss it with. From a business school perspective, you might more simply describe this as a “network effect.”

Problem #1: Distribution

The Harbus is distributed around campus at most of high-traffic areas. I don’t really know all of the locations I where I can pick it up, currently. It feels kind of erratic. There’s a rack by the downstairs dining hall, but not by the upstairs location. There’s a rack by the entrance of the gym, because…I guess some people want to read the newspaper while they’re lifting weights?

When the latest issue is released, there are usually GINORMOUS piles on the racks. And when I see a ginormous pile, I get the impression that nobody’s been picking anything up. So there’s that disincentive, too.

If I can’t really tell where the paper is available to be picked up, or really predict if there will be copies left by the time I get there, it’s going to be awfully hard for me to become a loyal reader.

Solution #1: No racks anymore. Distribute one copy (900 total) of the Harbus to every single RC (1st year) desk.

Here’s why this is great: First, it instills a sense of ownership. Even though I had no say in the matter, the paper that showed up on my desk feels like it’s mine. Don’t take it!

On a related note, this system instills a sense of scarcity. If an EC (2nd year) wants to read a copy of this week’s Harbus, she has to steal it.

You might think that dropping off 900 individual copies is a lot of hard work, but really, it’s not. I know this because half of the student groups at HBS send a member out once every few weeks to drop quarter sheets off on every single RC desk. It takes a few minutes per room, and all of the rooms are in the exact same building. With a small team you could be done in less than half an hour.

Speaking of which…

Problem #2: The Content                                   

It’s crazy to me that The Harbus is theoretically a perfect medium to reach students with information about upcoming events, and yet, NO student group advertises in the paper and EVERY student group is happy to print and distribute its own aforementioned quarter sheets.

For an editorial team, it’s really hard to create compelling content when you’ve only got 4 pages to work with because you don’t sell enough ads for anything bigger.

As far as I can tell, student groups have preposterous budgets for senseless stuff.

Solution #2: Some kind of program where the ad in the first issue of the year is free for every student group. This gets them into the habit of placing ads in the paper, and gets them in the habit of promoting the paper on their own, and makes the first issue of the year huge, and gets students interested in the magazine out of the gate.

Advertising in the paper should be a no-brainer for student clubs, once you’re mirroring the distribution routes they’re already practicing and can reasonably mirror the costs as well.

That all said: The ads are only half of the content. The other half is the words in the actual columns on the page.

Solution #2B: Mindful that the Harbus is now an RC-only magazine, we can now safely create content that is HYPER specific to RC life at HBS. (As an outsider, you might be surprised at how different 1st and 2nd year are.) Regular content such as:

  • Notes from ECs about RC cases (which all 900 RC’s will be reading) for the upcoming week.
  • Satire comments that can be used.
  • A schedule and map of official and unofficial events that are coming up from HBS, and in greater Boston.
  • Reader-submitted 1- or 2- sentence reflections on last week’s cases.
  • Professor-submitted reflections on last week’s cases.
  • Guidance on RC time- or season-relevant events (winter formal: buying a tux? finding a date? february recruiting: tips? horror stories? etc.) from ECs.
  • And so on.

In fact: Making the content RC-specific would actually probably be even MORE interesting for EC students than the current general-use paper. As an EC, I’d have loved the opportunity every week to reflect intimately on my experience from last year.

Problem #3: The Medium

Newsprint sucks. A newspaper is a big, clunky thing. Impossible to open, flip through, read on the go. Especially when the entire thing is only like 4-8 pages long.

Solution #3: Maybe I’m biased, but I think they should switch to magazine format. Heck. Make it look like an HBS case. Something that’s more culturally relevant, has more staying power. Something that you might save and look back on. Besides, I’d assume that the school has some sort of advantageous economies of scale for prices on printing in the case format.

There is one distinct benefit of The Harbus being in its current format, which is that it’d be much easier for professors to enforce not reading it in class–much more difficult to obfuscate the rattle of shuffling newsprint pages around, compared to the relative ease of covertly and tranquilly flipping through pages of cases.

I think much of everything else can still stay the same. I don’t see a problem with ECs being the Editors-in-Chief of an RC paper. I don’t see fundamental shifts in staffing requirements. I don’t think the new format necessarily prohibits the paper from pursuing tangential interviews that volunteer journalists are interested in writing — chatting with a famous business person visiting campus, recapping their section’s last retreat or exploits on the field for intramural soccer, etc.

Ultimately: Our goal is to make the paper more attractive to potential advertisers. With a highly pointed audience, and relevant & predictable content, this should be infinitely easier to accomplish. Exploratory articles of different parts of town should draw advertisements from local bars and restaurants. Culturally relevant pieces on social events should draw business from requisite facilitators (Who should I call if I want a tuxedo for upcoming formal? If I want to rent a party bus like this party that was described in the last article?)

Of course, instead of all of that, the Harbus could just work to really flesh out its social media presence and try to accrue a lot of Twitter followers and hopefully that will work out.